I took a very slow drive through all the country lanes and stopped in a place that I thought was suitable and not long after I saw two female Kestrels scouting the heath overhead. As I scrambled through the gorse, brambles & nettles (in shorts may I add) I heard one of the kestrels calling. In my experience, Kestrels are pretty quiet animals and rarely call, so I was quite surprised to hear its vocalic sound. It wasn't long until I realised that it was because a Marsh Harrier had swooped in next to them.
I wasn't expecting great shots as I only had a Canon 70-200mm lens on me, so it was merely simple document shots. I had it out in case I managed to get any close encounters, but instead I saw these two kestrels bickering which was exciting.
(with a small crop)
I tried to make the most of the minimal focal length by including the habitat in the shot. Looking back at the shots, I should have crouched lower and composed more gorse in the frame and tried to boarder the frame. But its a start and something I can improve on when working with a restrictive focal length.
To look at my other work, scroll to the 'older post' button on the bottom right.
Love the action shot mate, almost like a reflection of a single bird! good stuff!